The Wisdom of the Chumpi Stones

Chumpi stones are ancient healing stones from the Andes Mountains of Peru. These sacred stones have been used for centuries by shamans and healers in spiritual practices and rituals.  

Chumpi stones are intimately connected to the wisdom and power of Apus, which are the mountain spirits in Andean cosmology. They can move energy within different grids of time, dimensions and portals. In this way, they are synergy of energy exchanges and truly are living beings and communicators.  Originally emerging from the Andes, these stones hold deep spiritual significance for the Q’ero people, who are the medicine men and women of the high mountains of Peru. The Q’ero have used Chumpi stones for healing, protection, energy connection, transformation, direction and guidance through their points, project aa geometric energy body into space, bridge us our chakras, that anchor the energy body to the physical body and more. More recent uses of these powerful stones are holding energetic space, open portals, massaging, connecting energetic cords, and much more.

Chumpi stones are typically made of alabaster (Huamanga Stone), Hematite, Marble and although these are referred to as “Meteorite”, they are actually an Iron based stone harvested by the Quechua people in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Quechua folklore has always referred to these stones as “Meteorites”, although their extra-terrestrial origin cannot be confirmed. Native craftsmen hand-carve Chumpi stones. The process involves shaping the raw material into specific forms where each stone is hand-carved with symbols representing various archetypal figures sacred to the Andean people. These symbols carry specific energies and meanings, allowing practitioners to work with different aspects of healing and transformation.

Chumpi stones are believed to carry powerful energy that can be harnessed for healing and spiritual purposes and are utilized in many ways, just to mention a few such as:

Energy Healing:  Shamans and healers place Chumpi stones on the body or use them in energy-clearing rituals to balance and restore the energetic field.

Protection:  Chumpis were historically used as protective talismans, connecting the user to specific energy points and spaces.

Channeling Energy: The unique shapes and codes of Chumpi stones guide and transform energy, allowing practitioners to work with different dimensions and states of consciousness.

According to Andean prophecy, the Chumpi Khuya has returned during the current cosmic rearrangement known as Pachakutiy. This seed of knowledge is meant for restoration, healing, and channeling energy in physical and other bodies.

In summary, Chumpi stones are not just physical objects; they carry ancient wisdom, healing power, and a connection to the sacred mountains of Peru. They are believed to open, clear, and empower the energy field of the person using them. These sacred stones have been used for centuries by Q’ero shamans and healers in the Andes. Their use continues to inspire spiritual seekers and practitioners worldwide. They offer a unique blend of healing, protection, and spiritual connection, making them valuable tools for those seeking balance, transformation, and energetic alignment. 

These mystical, healing stones should only be shared for healing once they have been birthed to the Shaman or practitioner that holds them. The birthing of Chumpi stones is a spiritual process that establishes a deep connection between the healer and the stones. These sacred stones, carrying specific energy forms, are used for initiation, healing, and transformation. The ritual is not just about the physical creation of the stones, but it’s more about empowering them as gateways for true healing and evolution. The process signifies the healer’s readiness to channel and transform energy for healing purposes. Thus, the birthing ritual indeed connects the healer and the stones at a profound level. It’s important to note that the birthing of Chumpi stones is not a physical process, but rather a spiritual and energetic one. The stones are seen as empowered and are used to create gateways to true healing and evolution. They are sacred tools of healing and connection and their power and potential are grounded through their use. 

Mother Owl’s Teachings with Chumpi Stones

Several years ago, Mother Owl was introduced to Chumpi Stones by a Peruvian Shaman, Don Marco during his and other Shamans visit. He offered to teach her about these mystical stones, having been guided that it was to be part of her healing journey. The powerful healing session with the stones left a lasting impression on her. It was an unimaginable healing that was so powerful and undescribable,. It was early on Mother Owl’s path and journey to Shamanism and she was humbled and honoured at this generous offer. Don Marco mentioned that he couldn’t part with his Chumpi stones as they were birthed to him, but she would one day have her own. Mother Owl later received her own set adding a valuable tool to her healing practice which are birthed to her and shared energetically for these mystical and powerful healings.