Heaven’s Breath Anti-Inflammatory Cream with C-60


This is a unique all-natural cream, created and infused with healings, energetically, with light and blessings of no pain from inflammation. Heaven’s Breath assists with inflammation and arthritic pain which may be in your bones, joints, muscles, hands, feet, back, legs, headaches, back of the neck and many areas surrounding these main sites.   See more details below.

Testimonial: “I had a flare up that I have never had with the bursitis on my knee. I couldn’t even brush a sheer scarf gently across the area and was in horrible pain.  I don’t typically take anything, even Tylenol, so I applied this cream. The pain dulled after the first application, and I re-applied it again within a few hours. I can’t believe that by the second day, I could touch the surface and there was no pain. If you have ever had bursitis of the knee, you can not kneel or apply any pressure.  After a few days of applying this, it was sooooo much better and this cream is all natural!  Sheila Davidson ~ Milton, ON


It begins with creating an Elixir that is let stand for 60-90 days, or more.  It is infused with fresh rosemary, thyme, and ginger including lavender and calendula flowers, many essential oils, and C-60 in an Avocado Oil base.  The base butters (Kokum and Chamomile Butter, were chosen for their anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties) and are then mixed with this Elixir.  When used for joint pain relief from arthritis and muscle aches and pains, it addresses these promptly.



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