Have you been wondering what it is that’s continuing to hold you back from achieving your full potential in life? Have you been doing all the right things (yoga, meditation, eating healthy, exercising) but still feel that you’re missing an important ingredient? 

We are not just a physical body. We each have an aura of subtle bodies, including the etheric, mental, emotional, astral, and causal. Energy healers, clairvoyants, and shamans are able to feel or see these bodies. Because our emotions and thoughts are energy, if they are not expressed ‘in motion’, they can become stuck in the body, causing a block in energy flow. Reiki and other modalities that work with the energy field can have lasting healing results when the energies that cause illnesses are gently unblocked. These modalities, coupled with counseling and positive lifestyle changes, show that holistic healing treatments offer a more sustainable and lasting form of healing.

Chakras:    The word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but it references a spiritual energy center within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head.

Visualize wheels along your spine spinning in tandem, your flow of energy is aligned, and negative feelings and thoughts, as well as physical ailments, are less likely to manifest. They should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundels of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. 

Chakra “Rebuilding and Balancing” 

We all have 7 main chakras although, these are not the only chakras humans have – we in fact have hundreds of energy centers found within the inner and outermost layers of the auric field as well as many others in the physical body.  

In this session the focus will be catered to the “main” 7 chakras in the body, as well as your Earth Star and Soul Star Chakra – each chakra will receive an energetic attunement, clearing and cleansing.